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In my 25 years of small business experience, I can definitively say that all small business headaches can
be boiled down to fit into one of two categories: growth and employees.

If you can solve these two things then you’ll have an amazing business.

If you can’t, you’ll always be tearing your hair out and wishing you’d never started.
OK, spoiler alert: you can’t ever really “solve” these two problems- new versions of them crop up all the

What you can do is set things up so that they hardly bother you at all and when they do come up you’re
ready and can deal with it easily and without losing any sleep.

Getting to that point is the basis for everything else I’m ever going to talk about in this newsletter.

And the good news is, most of that is going to be short, actionable items you can read in a few minutes,
implement right away and see immediate improvements every time.

Click here for the full article on this and keep an eye out for each new edition.

If you want to make your business work much better, stress you out less and provide a way better
income than you’re getting now, you’re in the right place.

I can give you the knowledge. You just bring the desire.

Together we can make great things happen for your business.

Looking for simple and realistic tips to grow your business?

Sign up for the Run Your Business Better Newsletter!

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